Monday, January 14, 2013

at 11:47 pm

  • Sidewalk Prophets playing...
  • My fingers itching to type, to write.
  • Tired eyes from a long day forced open by my heart's desire to record s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g.
  • Feeling overwhelmingly blessed.
  • Thankful for trials that make us stronger and wiser.
  • Thinking about a stream of posts that are drafted out that I really want to finish (several that have to do with the New Year and resolutions and such)
  • Wondering if I have finally finished responding to the emails that I had fallen quite behind on...nope, remembered one more...
  • Excited about the books sitting on my bedside table and how inviting it is to crawl underneath my cool sheets in the evening in my fuzzy socks, pajama pants and sweatshirt and dive into a couple of my good reads
  • Realizing that this thing whole sleep thing with Cooper has GOT to be put to a halt or I will NEVER get anything done...morning, afternoon, evening and wee hours of morning...ahhh, Lord, show me wisdom in this area PLEASE!!
  • Praying over peace in the unknown
  • Wondering what we are going to have for supper the rest of the week and thankful for options. I am thinking spaghetti or lasagna for sure one night...Parker has also asked for omelets and Red Beans and Rice
  • Not looking forward to somehow working in time to submit a bazillion applications over the next several weeks, when I am currently finding it a successful day if I get my one load of laundry and dishes done! Did I mention Cooper is not sleeping very much currently?
  • Simplicity...all I can think about is simplicity and how I want, crave and need more simplicity. I think about it when I am driving, showering, going to sleep, writing. Yes, I will continue to work towards this in 2013.
  • Missing hubby this month.
  • Enjoying and thankful for my Lindt's Dark Chocolates this month.
  • Remembering yesterday's wake up call at 6:35am when Cooper decided he wanted to take his diaper off and flush it down the potty to make it go bye bye. Hello Water All In Our Utility Room and Let's Take Everything Out so that the Room Can Dry!
  • Thinking that if Cooper had not already gotten up 7 times since I started this post I would already be done with it. It's 12:06. I should be in the bed. Can I not even get a 15 min post completed? Totally not what I planned on posting today, but I just want to once again, write something. Writing relaxes me before bedtime. Part of the reason I am loving my One Day per Page Planner that sits of my bedside table.
  • Thirsty. Wishing my green straw cup had not run out of water 40 minutes ago and wondering why I didn't get up to refill it right away.
  • Hoping this phase of Poop & Parker (not going into details at this point) is a just that...a phase...short-lived!!!
  • Realizing that I have unopened mail sitting on my kitchen counter right now. Sad! That never happens!
  • Not wanting to believe that my now 5 year old is already signed up for Kindergarten for next Fall.
  • Smiling as I think of our MOPS Leadership meeting last night and the Fellowship and quality time that we spent together as moms.
  • Looking at the clutter piles growing on our computer desk and wanting to chunk it all just to have it nice and neat looking. Ha! I wish! Three weeks or so from now it will be gone, but you can believe I went through every stitch of scrap paper. You never know what treasures you might find! :)
  • Ahh! I need to finish our Christmas thank you's!
  • Since it is starting to turn into a to do list in my head, I am going to turn in for the night. My bedtime was hours again anyway and I have Mr. Cooper is not going to stay in his bed for good until he has mommy to sleep next to. :)
  • Sidewalk Prophet turns off. I smile. Time to rest these weary eyes.

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