Monday, January 23, 2012

my saturday at home

Pearhead Baby Handprint/Footprint Ornaments

I painted my fingernails...and toenails.
Parker played with his trucks and dinosaurs
I put away laundry.
I built a fire in the fireplace and wished dear hubby was home to build it for me. (It takes me a little longer) :)
My floors were covered with toys of all shapes and sizes
I tried not to think about work.
Cooper did some serious walking.
We crafted new handprints of the boys.
I laid on the floor and played...hard.
We totally had a pajama day. Loved every minute of it.

And I had to put this picture in here from the other day. I couldn't believe it when I walked over to see both of my boys sitting quietly thumbing through the same time. AT THE SAME TIME. To some who might not be as familiar of the nature of our household, that might seem ordinary. However, I do not remember a time since Cooper was a baby and sleeping a lot during the day, that both boys were quietly entertaining themselves at the same time. Do not fear though. I can assure you that this moment was just that...a moment...that lasted about 21 seconds. Mmmmm...what a blissful 21 seconds.

And then I smiled when both boys were ready to tussle again. Aaahhh, now that's more normal.

P.S. This post was typed on Saturday...and then here we are on Monday night....when I finally have time to load the pictures. ;)

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