Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"i'm the birthday boy!"

It's My Birthday Today!
I am One Year Old.

A few things you should know about me (or things my mama says she does not want to forget!):
Weight: 23 lbs, 5 oz - 59%
Length: 31 1/2 in - 93%
Hair: Blonde (definitely from the Nolen side)
Eyes: bright Blue
Teeth: 9 (and working on a few more)
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: 18 mos
Shoes: around 4 - 4 1/2 (my mama says she needs to get my feet measured soon!)

I like to crawl more than I like to walk because I can get there 12 times as fast. I like to practice walking with assistance and have been for a few months now but do prefer to use my hands and knees.

I like to eat. I really enjoy spaghetti and pasta meals with chicken, mixed vegetables, rice, and all fruits.

I am a great sleeper. Now that I no longer have tummy problems I usually sleep through the night without any issues (well, except for when my teeth were coming through which was a process!) Since a baby, I prefer to be placed in my crib so that I can drift off to sleep happily on my own. I go to bed at 7:00pm. Every night after dinner is done and mama picks me up from my chair, I happily wave my arms up and down (to say bye bye to any observers I might have) with a big grin on my face and even sometimes say, "Nigh Nigh." I typically nap every day from 9-11 and 1-3. I sleep with my bunny lovee and a blankee that has a super soft side and a satin side. I sleep best in my crib at home and at Mrs. Leslie's. I do not sleep well in a stroller or on the rode when we travel. When tired enough I will fall asleep in my car seat (that takes a very long time though!) I have always been perfect at falling asleep easily but not always great at being able to stay asleep...my mama says she is very thankful for the full nights of sleep I give her though. She seems much happier when she gets rest. ;)

I am extremely active and like to get into things that my mama and daddy don't really want me to (cabinets, drawers, breakables, bathrooms potty's...you name in...I've tried to crawl to it, in it or on it. Mama says that she never had to put away her "pretty things" until I came along and now the story has changed. (supposedly my brother never got into things that he wasn't supposed to...well, not as much anyway)

I chew on anything and everything I can get my hands on. I like to try everything in my mouth first before I choose to play with it.

I love bathtime so much. It might be one of my favorite times of the day.

I like to play with my big brother and watch all that he and my daddy do.

I can already make car noises when I run them across the track of my choice ("Brrraah. Brrrraah.")

I say "Ma Ma." "Da Da" "Nigh Nigh" "Ba Ba" (for bottle) and am making fun new noises and syllables each and every day.

My mama has always had trouble keeping me in her lap for storytime but I am getting better. As long as I have something to feel or open on the pages of the book, my attention can be held a bit longer.

My mama says that I am her little Mr. Mr. (she's not quite sure why she started that nickname but says it might be because for so long I reminded her of a little old man with my fairly blonde/bald head and cute little toofers)

Most people tell me that I look more like my dad than my mom (my mom says I look JUST like my dad's side of the family..coloring, chin, hair, build)

I have 2 precious dimples on my cheeks that my mama says she could kiss all day long.

I do like to be held some and snuggled but usually will squirm out of your arms to get down on the ground to play. I like to climb stairs (since about 10 or 11 months).

I scream (loudly and shrilly like a girl) when I want to (one can typically hear it a time or two around dinnertime...though my mama has been working on signing with me since I was a wee little one, I prefer to scream when I need something or just because :) She and daddy laughed one night because mama kept trying to get me to sign "all done" after dinner. I had had enough of that mess, threw both hands in the hair, waved them around in the "all done" sign--but just above my head instead--and screamed "Ddaaaahhnnn!!!" Mama and Daddy say it hurts their ears when I scream like that. Parker isn't too fond of it either and says while covering his ears, "No screaming Cooper!" I get a funny look on my face when I yell too..it makes mama laugh. She says she needs to post a video of it one day.

I am definitely a verbal baby. I am also very social.

Since 11 1/2 mos I have been drinking whole milk. Bottles at bedtime and usually before naptime. During meals and snack time I drink from sippy cups.

I cry when daddy leaves.

I am and have always been a very happy and active little baby boy. My mama says my "toofy", cheesy grin gets her every time.

I am Cooper Bennett -- the birthday boy.
It should be another fun year. I plan on keeping mama and daddy very very busy. ;) I'll let you know how that goes.

"Cooper, your Daddy, Parker and I love you so very much. This past year has been such a blessing for us having you as a part of our lives. Thank you for being your spunky little adorable self. You make the sun shine on days when the rain comes. I love you my little mr. mr." 

1 comment:

Ali said...

I cannot believe he's one!! Happy birthday little Mister, you're still as handsome as ever!