Sunday, March 27, 2011

been busy...

Been busy lately.
I have a feeling things are only going to get busier...we'll see what life has in store. ;)

Note to self: Going to need more prayer, a lot more sleep (this 3-5 hrs isn't cutting it), more exercise, more Chai Tea, more Beth Moore and maybe even a little more dark chocolate.

A few things I've been busy with lately:
Capturing a couple of photos of my little men with their daddy

Clay and Cooper
Photo taken on March 20, 2011
(Cooper just over 5 months)

Clay, Parker and Cooper
Photo taken on March 20, 2011 just after arriving home from church

Making healthy food for my littlest man...having fun making his first foods

This picture represents like 12 different jobs done in an afternoon, though you can't see it all in the picture. Cooking up some dishes for an event (more on that tomorrow), spring cleaning, a gas leak fixed (not a fun experience...and quite scary I might add), putting away the remainder of winter decor and breaking out the spring goods, stocking our kitchen with more healthy foods, business calls (which could be broken down into quite a few categories including insurance, taxes and more)

Taking early evening strolls with our little men (on the days we can stand the cold).

Watching these little puppies grow by the minute...

...and maybe I failed to mention a few things.
These are more of the fun "busy details" though. :)

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